Supporting Refugee Children in 21st Century Britain: A Compendium of Essential Information артикул 440e.
Supporting Refugee Children in 21st Century Britain: A Compendium of Essential Information артикул 440e.

This essential and authoritative handbook has been updated Five years after the first edition, new groups of refugee children are in schools -- Albanians, Eastern European Roma, and people fleeing the former Soviet Union, Iraq, and Iraqi Kurdistan Thebook provides new information on these groups, also on Algerians, Colombians, Ecuadorians, озтис Bolivians, Kenyans, and Nigerians Educational provision for students from refugee communities has also progressed, and the new approaches that have proved effective are described here There is new material on Early Years provision and on working with 14-19 year olds, and new sections on, among much else, healthcare issues, emotional and psychological issues, using the expressive arts with young refugees, and on parental involvement and family literacy Anyone who has the first edition of Jill Rutter's invaluable handbook will eagerly welcome this comprehensive update And those who are working with refugees without this information source will wonder how theyever managed without it.  ReynoldISBN 1858562929.